ER/TRAUMA CHECKMATE: The emergency pocket guide designed for emergency & critical care professionals by NNCC, Inc .
Updated with 2015 AHA Adult and PALS algorithms New, more readable format; all content updated and revised!
5th Edition:
• Cardiac, Emergency Drugs, Labs/EKGs, Respiratory, Neuro, Peds, Trauma, Burns, OB, Poisons, Toxicology • ACLS, IABP, Pacemakers, Classifications of Shock, Blood Components, Normal Hemodynamics, SG • Drug Drip Charts, Emergency Meds, Glycoprotein Inhibitors/Fibrinolytics, Drug Compat, Fluid Resuscitation • Lab Norms, EKG Strips and Interpretations, EKG Changes w/Medical Conditions, Lab Profiles, Therapeutic Drug Levels • ABG, VBGs, Acid Base Balance, Vents, ETCO2, Capnography, PFTs, Resp Inhalation Meds, RSI, Asthma • ICP Monitoring/Treatment, NIH, Spinal Injury, Cranial Nerve Assess, PAR, GCS, Types of Herniation, Neuro Lesions • PALS, NALS, BSA, Apgar, GCS, Drugs, Pediatric Drugs, Standard Concs, Pediatric Labs, Newborn Resuscitation • Trauma Surveys, Scores, Myotomes, Burns, OB: Trauma, Phys Changes, Emergencies; Poisons, Antidotes, Clinical Clues;
172 pages
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